Snake Gourd – புடலங்காய்


1 kg
250 gm
500 gm
Quick Overview

Snake gourds range from small to very large in size and are elongated, slender, curved, or straight. There are two different categories of Snake gourds. One type is extremely long with hard skin and is grown for ornamental purposes, and the other type ranges in size and is grown for eating and medicinal purposes. Snake gourds that are used for consumption have waxy green skin and are often speckled or striped with a lighter shade of green. longer varieties averaging 40-45 centimetres in length and smaller varieties 15-20 centimetres in length.

SKU: V1VEG017 Category:


Snake gourd contains a rich variety of nutrients, vitamins, and minerals that are essential for human health, including significant levels of dietary fiber, a small number of calories, and high levels of protein. In terms of vitamins, it possesses vitamin A, B, C, as well as manganese, magnesium, calcium, iron, potassium, and iodine.

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1 kg, 250 gm, 500 gm


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