Onion – வெங்காயம்


1 kg
500 gm
Quick Overview

Onion is a vegetable which is almost like a staple in Indian food. This is also known to be one of the essential ingredients of raw salads. They come in different colours like white, red or yellow and are quite in demand in cold salads and hot soups. You can dice, slice or cut it in rings and put it in burgers and sandwiches. Onions emit a sharp flavour and fragrance once they are fried; it is due to the sulphur compound in the vegetable.

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Onions are perennials that are cultivated for food worldwide. There are many varieties. Most onion bulbs are white, yellow, or red. The green stems and leaves are hollow and can reach 3 ft (1 m) in height. The plants bear small flowers that are usually white or purple. The fleshy bulb that grows below the ground is used medicinally as well as for food. Onions are members of the lily family.

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1 kg, 500 gm


  1. Sudha Paul Durai

    Recieved today … Quality was nice

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