Aniseed Raw Dry Seeds – பெருஞ்சீரகம்


1 kg
100 gm
500 gm
Quick Overview

Anise seed is used as a spice, either ground or whole. Anise essential oil and extract are also made from the seeds. The seeds are small, brownish-Gray, and slightly curved, with an aroma of licorice. The plant also has aromatic leaves and stems that can be used as an herb, tasting like licorice, fennel or tarragon.

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Anise seeds are regarded as assisting digestion and helping prevent intestinal gas and flatulence. In India, anise seed is often offered to chew after the meal. Aniseed has got outstanding expectorative qualities, and therefore it’s great for the management of cough, along with asthma. It really is utilized outwardly just as one insecticide towards small pests just like lice, mites as well as vermin. Additionally, it has got fungicidal qualities.

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1 kg, 100 gm, 500 gm


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