Poppy Seed, (Multi Size) – கசகசா


50 gm
100 gm
200 gm
500 gm
Quick Overview

Whole poppy seeds are often used as both a spice and decoration due to the colour that it adds. These are often sprinkled on various types of breads, cakes and cookies such as bagels, buns, muffins, sponge cake, pretzels and strudels. It compliments honey, fish, pasta, butter, curry, fruit, rice and potatoes.

SKU: G1CER080 Categories: ,


People use poppy seed by for asthma, constipation, cough, diarrhea caused by infection, difficulty sleeping, and to diagnose a condition called vesicoenteric fistula.

Additional information


50 gm, 100 gm, 200 gm, 500 gm


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