Palm Jaggery (Udangudi) – கருப்பட்டி (உடங்குடி)


1 kg
250 gm
500 gm
Quick Overview

Palm jaggery is also called as Karupatti an excellent substitute for white sugar. It is prepared from palm tree extract and is loaded with minerals and vitamins. Palm jaggery is processed without any chemicals or artificial nutrients. An energy booster and rich in nutrients. Palm jaggery is an active cleanser. It wipes out toxins from the body and keeps you healthy.

SKU: G1JAG030 Categories: ,


Palm jaggery is made naturally and is a rich source of minerals and vitamins. It would have a dark chocolate taste. Palm Sugar helps reducing weight in a healthy way.  Replacing white sugar with palm sugar will definitely help prevent or postpone onset of diabetes because of it’s significantly lower Glycemic Index.

Additional information


1 kg, 250 gm, 500 gm


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