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Cauliflower, (1 kg) – காலிஃபிளவர்

110.00 90.00

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Quick Overview

The part that one consumes is the flower or inflorescence, highly appreciated for its taste. It can be presented in many ways, both raw and cooked. It is an important source of vitamins and minerals. In addition, it contributes with fibber and it is low in calories. One serving of cauliflower contains 77 One serving of cauliflower percent of daily recommended value of vitamin C. Cauliflowers are rich in B complex vitamins, potassium and manganese.They protect from the risk of heart diseases and brain disorders. It also contains cancer fighting nutrient called sulforaphane.

SKU: V1VEG049 Category:


Cauliflower is made up of tightly bound clusters of soft, crumbly, sweet cauliflower florets that form a dense head. Resembling a classic tree, the florets are attached to a central edible white trunk which is firm and tender.

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1 kg, 2 kg, 3 kg, 5 kg


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