Banana Raw, (1 Piece) – வாழைக்காய்


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Quick Overview

Raw bananas are small to medium in size and are elongated, cylindrical, and slightly curved in shape. The peels are thick, smooth, and green with a fibrous texture and semi-bitter flavor, and the surface can easily be scratched and marked. The white to cream-colored flesh is dense, firm, and creamy with central tiny, infertile seeds or is seedless, and the flesh runs the entire length of the peel. Raw bananas are available year-round.

SKU: V1VEG039 Category:


Raw bananas contain potassium, vitamins A, C, and B6, fiber, and resistant starch, which is a form that passes through the body undigested and slowly, allowing the feeling of fullness to remain for a longer period of time. Resistant starch also keeps the digestive system healthy, as it promotes the growth of probiotic bacteria in the digestive tract.

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