Mace, (Multi Size) – ஜாதிப்பூ


1 kg
10 gm
25 gm
50 gm
100 gm
250 gm
500 gm
Quick Overview

jathipathri (Mace) is a crimson red colored thread like material that envelops the nutmeg. It is spicy in taste, somewhat like a combination of pepper and cinnamon, with a strong aroma. Mace spice is the best in the culinary world. Here are a few mace spice uses. You can make sweets, puddings, muffins, cakes and different kinds of breads with mace being one of the main ingredients. It is also used while brewing milk tea or masala milk, primarily because it tastes like pepper.

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Mace spice offers a large number of benefits, and one of them is keeping the digestive system healthy.

Additional information


1 kg, 10 gm, 25 gm, 50 gm, 100 gm, 250 gm, 500 gm


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